Tuesday, February 1, 2011

DIY Gift Wrap

So typically I hate wrapping gifts - I am queen of the gift bag, except for Christmas.  I love the presentation of presents - and dedicate a substantial amount of time to it.  This year I decided I wanted something completely unique.  I had this wrapping paper from several years ago that looked like brown paper bags.  (You can easily use brown paper bag, old fabric, newspaper or old magazines as well).

I decided to make my own flowers from paper cupcake wrappers.  I got the idea from a wedding blog where they flattened out the wrappers as decoration - I decided to to the opposite.  This is a very simple look to create.  You simply grab the center of the cupcake wrapper and and pull it together - add a tab of hot glue then place it on the package.  You keep repeating this process until your flower is the size and look that you want.

This is a picture of the gift for my Dad - I decided to add a simple steam because the flower was overtaking the box, and it helped balance it out. I also decided to forgo the gift tag and write it directly on the box.

Here is a picture of the flower up close - you can see the how closely the individual wrappers are placed together to create the flower look.

1 comment:

  1. I love this we have to make these flowers for the wedding!
